Sterling Sports Auctions #82
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 8/9/2019

Attractive complete set of 1953 Bowman Color (160).

Set is highlighted by #59 Mickey Mantle SGC 4, key cards and HOFers include #1, VGEX OC, #8 Rosen, EX OC. #9 Rizzuto, PRFR, #10 Ashburn, PRFR, #18 Fox, VG, #32 Musial EX with slight indentation on bottom edge, #33 Reese, EX with OC back with light indentations on top and bottom from being tacked to wall (no holes), #40 Doby, GD, #44 Bauer/Berra/Mantle, VG with tack indentation on top, #46 Campanella, PRFR due to light paper loss, #51 Irvin, VG, #61 Kell, PRFR, #65 Roberts, VG, #80 Kiner, GD, #81 Slaughter, VG, #84 Bauer, EX, #92 Hodges, VG, #93 Martin/Rizzuto, VG, #97 Mathews, VGEX severe OC, #99 Spahn, GD, #101 Scheondienst, VG, #114 Feller, EX+, #117 Snider, PRFR, #118 Martin, VG, #121 Berra, GD, and #153 Ford, VGEX.

Balance, up to #76 many have evidence of identation from a tack (no holes in the cards). The balance have evidence of light hinge indentation.  One has Toronto written on back, one has tape mark. 

10% PRFR, 15% GD, 45% VG, 20% VGEX, 10% EX or better.

Great chance to get an attractive set in lower to midgrade.

1953 Bowman Color Complete Set W/ Mantle SGC 41953 Bowman Color Complete Set W/ Mantle SGC 41953 Bowman Color Complete Set W/ Mantle SGC 41953 Bowman Color Complete Set W/ Mantle SGC 4
1953 Bowman Color Complete Set W/ Mantle SGC 41953 Bowman Color Complete Set W/ Mantle SGC 41953 Bowman Color Complete Set W/ Mantle SGC 41953 Bowman Color Complete Set W/ Mantle SGC 4
1953 Bowman Color Complete Set W/ Mantle SGC 4
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Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $1,700.00
Final prices include buyers premium.: $2,040.00
Number Bids: 1
Auction closed on Friday, August 9, 2019.

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